The Complete Works 1950-1990
This content has not been updated since the original 1990 publication.
November 23. Letizia Pitigliani is born in Rome to Fausto Romano Pitigliani and Nelly Van Straten. She has a sister, Anna Paola, one and a half years older.
Emigrates to New York City with her family.
Wins First Premium from the Columbia County Agricultural Society for the oil painting The Road.
Enrolls in the painting section of the High School of Music and Art in New York City.
Returns to Rome with her father and sister. Her mother has died the year before.
Enrolls in the Accademia di Belie Arti, Rome.
Exhibits paintings together with Iranian classmate Marcos Grigorian at the Bar Bruzio, Rome, March 18-April 3.
Exhibits works with Second International Exhibition of American Painting, Bordighera; Prima Mostra del Lazio - Incontri deIla Gioventù, Rome; Mostra di Solidarietà a Favore degli Alluvionati della Calabri, Rome.
First one-man exhibition, at the Galleria Il Pincio, Rome, June 12-June 22.
Exhibits works with Il Maggio della Pittura Roma, Rome; Maggio di Bari, Bari; Fourth International Women Painters of 1954, Bolzano; Seconda Mostra d'Arte Premio Genazzano, Genazzano; Fifth Art Fair, Via Margutta, Rome.
Completes her four-year course at the Accademia di Belle Arti, Rome, and receives her degree. Her thesis subject is Italian Pastel Painters.
Tours Israel.
One-man exhibit at Galleria 1'Asterisco, Rome, March 19-March 29.
Exhibits in VII Quadriennale Nazionale d'Arte di Roma, Rome; Terza Mostra d'Arte Premio Genazzano, Genazzano; Maggio di Bari, Bari; Premio Taccuino delle Arti, Rome; Premio di Pittura Amedeo Modigliani Città di Livorno, Livorno; II Maggio della Pittura Romana, Rome.
Exhibits with Maggio di Bari, Bari; Primo Premio di via Frattima, Rome; IV Premio Spoleta, Spoleto; Fiera di via Margutta, Rome; Premio San Vito, San Vito Romano; VII Maggio della Pittura Romana, Rome; Premio Genazzano, Genazzano; Premio Modigliani, Livorno.
Works at the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna in Rome on the exhibitions of Piet Mondrian and German Expressionists Blaue Reiter.
Works as assistant to Roberto Melli instructing at the Scuola Roma, Rome. Writes more than forty art critiques for various Rome newspapers.
Exhibits at the Il Mostra d'Arte Contemporanea nell'Abitazione e nella Architettura Moderna, Rome; IV Mostra di Pittura Americana, Bordighera; Il Taccuino delle Arti, Rome; VIII Maggio della Pittura Romana, Rome.
Receives a summer studio grant from the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten (Royal Academy of Fine Arts), Amsterdam.
One-man exhibition at Kunsthandel M.L. De Boer, Amsterdam, December 7-December 28.
One-man exhibition at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in The Hague, Holland, January 3-January 15.
Exhibits with Maggio della Pittura Romana, Rome.
Invited by the University of Oregon for a lecture and exhibition tour of the Western United States and Canada.
First American one-man exhibition at the Charles Barzansky Galleries, New York City, November 3-November 15.
One-man exhibition at Washington State College, Pullman, December 4-December 14.
One-man exhibition at the University of Oregon at Eugene, January 5-January 24.
One-man exhibition at Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington, January 29-February 20.
One-man exhibition at the University of Idaho, Moscow, February 23-March 9.
One-man exhibition at the Vancouver Art Gallery, British Columbia, March 20-April 10.
Exhibits in the VIII Quadrennale Nazionale d'Arte, Rome.
Writes the critical survey Summary of tbe International Press Reactions on the Artists of the American Pavilion of the XXIX Biennale of Venice for The Museum of Modern Art, New York City.
December 28. Marries New York attorney Mark Keith Benenson in a religious ceremony in Rome. The civil ceremony is held aboard the S.S. Constitution in international waters outside the Bay of Naples two days later.
Teaches History of Art at the Newark College of Fine and Industrial Art.
Takes a studio at Lexington Avenue and 81st Street.
May 22. Son Alexander is born.
One-man exhibition at the Steindler Gallery, New York City, March 19-March 30.
One-man exhibition at the Revel Gallery, New York City, May 14-June 1.
One-man exhibition at the Jason Gallery, New York City, October 27-November 14.
Designated a fellow of the Accademia Tiberina, Rome.
October 15. Daughter Daniela is born.
Converts abandoned barn into her permanent summer studio.
One-man exhibition at the Cranbury Public Library, Cranbury, N.J., October 12-October 31.
Opens her studio on Union Square in New York City.
One-man exhibition of watercolor and ink paintings of the cast-iron buildings of lower Manhattan at the Empire Savings Bank of New York, November 4-November 22.
Exhibits Grand Central Station Facade at the headquarters of the Municipal Art Society of New York and the Committee to Save Grand Central. The painting is featured in the August 4 issue of New York Magazine.
One-man exhibition at the Hunterdon Art Center, Clinton, N.J.,January 12-February 7.
One-man exhibition of landmark cityscapes in the windows of Lord and Taylor, New York City, sponsored by the New York Architectural League, courtesy of Bonino Gallery, July 8-July 21.
Parade of the Windjammers is displayed in the Fifth Avenue windows of Bowery Bank, the New York Historical Society, June 29-July 6, and loaned to the U.S. Embassy in Copenhagen. It is featured in televised news conferences and as a two-page spread in the Fall Preview issue of New York Magazine.
Produces first poster Parade of the Tall Ships, sponsored by the New York Arts Council.
The State of New York grants Pitigliani a studio in the South Street Seaport historical section of New York City.
Radio Italiana presents a televised interview of Pitigliani in her Union Square studio.
Receives a citation from Mayor Beame of New York City "for the generous contribution of her creative talents in painting a series of posters for New York Harbor Festival 1977."
Exhibits with the Hunterdon County Landscape Exhibition at the Hunterdon Art Center, N.J., September 13-October 28.
Appointed Art Director of the Harbor Festival Foundation, Inc.
One-man exhibition at the Waterloo Music Festival, Waterloo Village, Stanhope, N.J.
Produces poster The Liners are Coming.
Displays thirty pen and ink Grand Central Terminal drawings at Union Station, Washington, D.C., for a demonstration to save Grand Central Station.
The lithograph New Year's Eve in Central Park, sponsored by the New York City Cultural Affairs Commission, is posted throughout the five boroughs to publicize public New Year's Eve celebrations in Central Park.
Anniversary of Powered Flight is created for the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the first flight of the Wright Brothers, sponsored by United Airlines, courtesy of Pace Editions.
Visits the Jewish Catacombs of Rome. Displays ten watercolor and ink paintings at her lecture on the subject for the General Meeting of the Archaeological Insitute of America, Boston, December 27-December 30.
Produces posters Oh the Joy of it all!; Boats at the Battery; Boats, Lower Manhattan; New Year's Eve in Central Park.
Writes an illustrated article on the Roman Jewish Catacombs of Vigna Rondanini and Villa Torlonia, published by the Biblical Archaeological Review, May/June 1980.
One-man exhibition of poster paintings at the historic Stanford White Bowery Bank building, New York City.
Elected to the board of the Mayor's Advisory Committee on Waterfront Development.
Produces posters Chicago; Ghost Ship; Ocean Liner; Americana I; QE 2 with Boats.
New York City Mayor Koch unveils The Staten Island Ferry, in a televised ceremony on the occasion of the Ferry's seventy-fifth anniversary.
Produces posters New York New York; Salute to North America/City Hall Parade; Paper Boats and Planes; Boston 250; Staten Island Ferry Jubilee; New York City Movies and Television.
One-man exhibition of posters at Le Chapitre Gallery, Paris, May 1-May 20.
Produces posters Sailor; Celebration at the Customs House; The Old El; Apex Technical School; Statue of Liberty; Empire State Building.
Opens loft studio in the Hell's Kitchen section of New York City.
Produces posters Asia in New York; Kites; Intrepid.
Holds "open house" with the Glass Farmhouse Exhibition of Independent Artists, New York City, December 3-December 4.
Produces posters Dock Street Theatre/Charleston; Brooklyn Bridge Centennial; New Orleans; South Street Seaport; Liberty Festival.
Produces posters Chateau de Balleroy; Lady Liberty in Lower Manhattan; Marseille.
Produces posters Ghetto di Venezia; Carnevale; Land Parade; An American Tradition.
Produces posters I Was There; Lady Liberty; Statue of liberty Centennial.
For commemorative celebrations of the Statue of Liberty Centennial in New York Harbor, the French-American Chamber of Commerce distributes to its guests I Was There and Lady Liberty, published in Paris by Signature, Image and Design.
One-man exhibition at the Galleria Venezia Europa, Venice, February 2-February 18.
Paints U.S.S. Constitution for the U.S.S. Constitution Museum, Boston
Travels to Botswana.
Paints Le Ville Venete for the Association for the Venetian Villas, Venice.
Produces poster Roma-Amor.
Begins series of surrealist paintings.
Creates poster of Lincoln Center for the Metropolitan Opera Guild, New York
Anderson, A. Looking for the Beaux Arts, The Village Voice, July 15-21, 1976.
Ashton, D. Letizia Pitigliani, The New York Times, November 6, 1958.
Balestreri, E. Artisti e Pitture nella Città delle Palme, La Giustizia di Roma, March 19, 1953.
Berendson, A. Uit de Haagse Kunstzalen, Het Vaderland, The Hague, January 7, 1958.
Biancale, M. A San Vito Stenografia Pittorica, Momento-Sera, September 21, 1956.
---. Letizia Pitigliani a l'Asterisco, Momento-Sera, March 27, 1955.
Brinkgreve, G. Katholiek Radio Omroep, Hilversum, December14, 1957.
Budigna, L. Tre Artisti, La Settimana Incom Illustrata, July 3, 1954.
---. Tre Donne, La Settimana Incom Illustrata, April 14, 1952.
Clemente, M. Letizia Pitigliani, La Fiera Letteraria, April 3, 1955.
Day, W. Letizia Pitigliani, Art News, November 1963.
De Gregorio, G. Art Notes, Daily American, Rome, January 5, 1958.
Englemen, H. Letizia Pitigliani, De Telegraaf, Amsterdam, December 20, 1957.
Frattani, G. Pitigliani all'Asterisco, Il Paese, March 26, 1955.
---. Théofile Steinler ed Altri Pittori, II Paese, April 8, 1952.
Genauer, E. Letizia Pitigliani, New York Herald Tribune, May 18, 1963.
Guzzi, V. Pitigliani all'Asterisco, Il Tempo, March 23, 1955.
---. Pitigliani al 'Pincio', Il Tempo, June 25, 1954.
Hassard, K. Letizia Pitigliani, Vancouver Sun, March 20, 1959.
Johnston, J. Letizia Pitigliani, Art News, November 1964.
Lissim, S. Letizia Pitigliani, exh. cat., Galleria l'Asterisco, March 19, 1955.
Mariani, V. Bello e Brutto, R.A.I. National Radio, June 21, 1954.
Marzot, L. Mostra Personale di Letizia Pitigliani, Israel, June 24, 1954.
Melli, R. Letizia Pitigiiani, exh. cat., Galleria il Pincio, June 20, 1954.
New York Historical Society. The Tall Ships on Canvas, exh. cat., June 29, 1976.
NYC: A New Spirit, Ed. New York Magazine, September 20,1976.
O'Dogherty, B. Letizia Pitigliani, The New York Times, June 2, 1963.
Palette. Pitigliani, The Province, Vancouver, B.C., March 24, 1959.
Penning, R.E. Letizia Pitigliani's Visie op Nederland, Haagse Courant, The Hague, January 8, 1958.
Pensabene, G. Letizia Pitigliani, Il Secolo d'ltalia, July 7, 1954.
Pitigliani, De Luca Editore, Rome, 1958.
Redeker, H. Letizia Pitigliani, Algameen Handelsblad, Amsterdam, December 18, 1957.
Sandler, I.H. Letizia Pitigliani, Art News, November 1958.
Sawin, M. Letizia Pitigliani, Arts, November 1958.
Scarpa, P. Letizia Pitigliani, Il Messaggero, March 23, 1955.
Stern, E. Best Bets: Battle Station, New York Magazine, August 4, 1975.
Thompson, H. Pride and Prejudice, The New York Times, July 15, 1976.
Thornton, M.V. Letizia Pitigliani, Vancouver Sun, March 25, 1959.
Van Beek, M. Letizia Pitigliani van Rome naar Holland, De Tijd, Amsterdam, December 17, 1957.
Ventola, D. Letizia Pitigliani, La Meridiana, April 2, 1955.
Venturoli, M. L'Arte Contemporanea a Genazzano e Viterbo, Paese Sera, September 21-22, 1955.
---. Letizia Pitigliani a I'Asterisco, Paese Sera, March 28-29, 1955.
Verheyen, J. Letizia Pitigliani, Het Binnenhof, The Hague, January 4, 1958.
Vice. Pitigliani al Caffè Bruzio, Paese Sera, April 8, 1952.
Wagner, C. Holland Drawings on View, New York Daily Mirror, November 9, 1958.
Watkins, E. Four Approaches, The Newark Star Ledger, January 25, 1976.
Wentinck, C. Dutch Landscapes by an Italian, Elseviers's Weekblad, Amsterdam, December 14, 1957.
Wladj, M. Radiogiornale, Rome, March 27, 1955.
Zanzi, E. Pittori Americani a Bordighera, Corriere del Popolo di Genova, March 17, 1953.
United States Embassy, Copenhagen
Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris
Musée des Ballons, Balleroy
Kunsthandel De Boer
Post, Telephone and Telegraph Ministry, Rotterdam
Art Museum, Kibbutz Ma'abarot
Haifa Art Museum
Museum of Modern Art, Eilath
Ministry of Public Works, Rome
Scandinavian Airlines System, Rome
Museum of Transportation, Tokyo
United States Embassy, Moscow
Bowery Bank, New York City
Burson Marsteller, New York City
Chapin Home for Children, New York City
Chase Manhattan Bank, New York City
City College of New York, New York City
City Hall, New York City
Eastern District Federal Courthouse, New York City
Forbes Magazine, New York City
Harbor Festival Foundation, New York City
International Nickel Co., New York City
Irving Trust Co., New York City
The Jewish Museum, New York City
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., New York City
McGraw Hill, New York City
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
New York City Transit Museum, New York City
New York State Department of Historic Preservation, New York
New York University, New York City
Valley National Bank, Massachusetts
Vedder, Price, Kaufman, Kammholz and Day, New York
Veterans Administration Hospital, New York City
U.S.S. Constitution Museum, Boston